Unsolicited testimonial. My friend, Leigh Ann Yandle-Perry introduced me to you and your products. My 20 oz. Royal Jelly is nearly gone. I have been using it on my Newfoundland female, age three who has had the most horrible coat her entire life. I hadn't groomed her in three weeks and today I groomed her. NO mats, NO tangles and a shiny coat. I am saving money to buy a gallon!! (Or a fifty gallon barrel!). This stuff works big time!!!!!! Beverly Eichel

Hi Trish! My husband brought my laptop today when he came to watch. Betty got Select again, this time at least worth a point. 3 more to go for her GCH. She showed beautifully! I'm sorry I'll miss the seminar tonight, he wants to go do some errands and dinner. :-/
Julie Hill
Oban Scottish Terriers
AKC Breeder of Merit


Best of Breed Mastiffs Westminster 2013 and Isle of Dogs dog since 6 months old
Isle of Dogs dog since 12 weeks old! Winning BIS at 15 months

This is just one of over 78% of Breeder winners at Westminster 2013 using Isle of Dogs
You told me the copper shampoo when used on Laird would make his color "pop". I said oh, OK, But today I washed the mud out of his coat, had to let him soak a while. But I was not going to brush it out and break off the ends. Then I bathed him in the Royal Jelly then the copper shampoo . And his white was stained from the mud, so I put the white shampoo in his chest and legs. Boy you are right, now his white is sooooooooooo white and his back is just "popping" with reds and golds.
He is putting on coat almost hourly, lol.
I think he will look very nice at the national.
Thanks for all of your advice, Rayleen
Stetson earned his Championship Title today under Judge Fred Basset. Thank you for your support,advise,expertise and friendship!!!
Melissa & Stetson

Hope you remember this.......but I have the Keeshond with the dry coat at Clemson. We switched the shampoo, conditioner, etc to Isle of Dog products. I have been using them faithfully since that show. Just wanted you to know that he went 4th in the group at Westminster. His coat looks GREAT!!!!!! If you have a minute, you can pull him up on the Westminster website under the group winners. Thanks so very much for all of your help!!!!! You are definitely part of that win!!!!!
Donna Smith, handler Pat Stroud, owner/breeder
Hi Trish,
This is Georgette Franzoni the Yorkie breeder that you helped down in Raleigh. Just wanted to let you know that Dharma & Maddy did well at the New Jersey specialty. Dharma won a 4pt major and Maddy got select which Gave him a major towards his Grand Championship. Both of their coats looked beautiful. I have to say that the Isle of Dog products are the first that I have used where I really see a difference.
Thank you for all of your help! Georgette
Hi Trish,
I just wanted to let you know that I have been using your product for about 3 weeks now and absolutely love the results. Brody had a few hot spots that I was treating for about a week prior to your shampoo arriving in the mail. I bathed him in it and have continued to do so on a weekly basis and the hot spots are clearing up in fact one is gone! His coat is growing in beautifully where the hot spot was as well. I also don't have the mats that I had with previous shampoos under his belly and he is loving that (and so am I) ! I really love what the conditioner does for the coat and it doesn't make it soft. The color enhancer shampoo works wonders too. Thank you for your wonderful products!
Jackie Gingerich, AroHawk Collies

Baci's coat has always been beautiful but after 6 months on your products it is luxurious!! Thanks so much, Dawn
Dawn is using Isle of Dogs shampoos and conditioners, and #91 Royal Jelly Coat supplement.
AMGRCH/CanCh Nicnak's Aftershock (Baci)
Rescue Schnauzer after being treated with Anti-Itch kit. #12 Vet Grade Shampoo; #51 Heavy Management Conditioner; #62 EPO Conditioning Mist; #92 EFA coat supplement.

Hi Trish!
As requested here is a picture of my Bummy after her first treatment from Isle of Dogs products you helped me select.
We came to you with a really blown coat - she looked more like a seal than an Australian Shepherd. This weekend she went Winner's Bitch three of four days, Reserve the other and was Best of Winners once and Best of Opposite twice... WITH NO UNDERCOAT! Your Isle Thicken really added volume and did just enough with what little it had to work with. You and Isle of Dogs are a life saver.
Her coat is so silky soft and her colors are vibrant, her coat feels healthy. She looks so good now, I cannot wait for her undercoat to come back to see how incredible she is going to look. I told my handler the only thing that gets put on her coat from now on is Isle of Dogs.
Thanks again, Jodie Strait and CH Bayshore's Bumble Bee
I met you at the Cavalier Nationals the first week of April. I had my little black and tan girl, Maggie, with me who had just taken 3rd place in her class. When we went to get our picture taken, the comment from the judge was “She’s absolutely beautiful. I wish you’d brought her in something other than her underwear.” After getting our picture taken we literally headed right over to your booth. At the time, Maggie didn’t have much hair, and what she did have looked dry, even though I feed an excellent dry kibble mixed with raw diet.
You advised me to buy the Gloss Shampoo, the Nutrient Masque conditioner, Isle Strengthen and the #91. You told me to use the Strengthen conditioner everyday and to start immediately with the Royal Jelly. I’ll have to admit, I was a bit skeptical, but was willing to try something new since obviously the products that have worked well for years on all my other cavaliers just didn’t seem to be working for Maggie.
Here we are, not quite 2 months later and I absolutely cannot BELIEVE how beautiful Maggie looks. Her coat is really coming in and it’s so thick and shiny. Her feathering on her legs and ears is just unbelievable. I’m sold on Isle of Dogs products. I don’t plan to buy anything else.
C. Eason - Cavalier King Charles Spaniels
The way I got started on IOD was through my vet. Lexi my other black bitch had lost almost all her top knot, and I called the vet in panic, We did a thyroid profile on her, which came back as borderline low, and Leigh told me to take her to Isles of Dogs and see what they recommended I do with her. Well I did, and I met Trish in Brooksville last January, and since that point in time, My STD Poodles have been on both the 91 and 92 food supplements, the Royal Jelly shampoo, the #18 black shampoo, the #50 and 51 Conditioners, Plus the Nutrient Mask, and Isles of Repair. Neither Lexi no Ryan have had hardly any mats in the head or neck area, and I don’t' over work the coats. Lexi's coat has improved 10 fold over what it was, and last but not least, Rahmani has been on it since I got her in February at 3 mo. of age. Oh, and I also use the #63 detangling spray which will take a Matt out the size of New York without losing any hair.
Roxanne Crisman, Britmarc Poodles