Breed Specific Grooming Instructions

- Need help selecting the right products for your dog's coat type?
- Do you have a problem coat?
- Do you want to start winning in the show ring?
- Do you want to get the most out of your Isle of Dogs grooming products?
We Can HELP!

Just email me or text me at (865) 654-9372 with the your dog's breed, it's age, any specific coat issues and we will put together a customized list of products and instructions on how to use them so you get the best possible results.
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Grooming Tips
Self Rinse: Try Isle of Dogs new Waterless Shampoo. Clean your coat without the drying effect of all other self rinse. Leaves coat in lovely condition. You may make a spray out of this. Unscrew cap/. Pour waterless into 8 oz spray bottle and add water to top. Shake well before each use. For best results use distilled water.
BEARDS and EYE STAINS: Mist daily with waterless spray and leave in or five minutes. Take a damp cloth and wipe excess out.
Need a self rinse for white paws and furnishings or beards?: In an 8 oz Isle of Dogs spray bottle, put in 2 inches of #16 White Coat Shampoo. Fill with water. Shake well. Simply spray on paws and any area needing whitening and blot dry. The evening primrose oil content will not dry out the areas you cleaned and the optical enhancer and anti-stain component will help keep those area white! – Trish
Pee Stains: Dilute 2 tablespoons #10 Evening Primrose Oil shampoo in 8 oz water for a dark or black coat. For white feathering, dilute 2 tablespoons #16 White Coat Shampoo in 8 oz spray bottle. Mist into stained feathering and wipe with damp cloth. Follow with light mist of Isle Strengthen and then a light mist of Isle Repair diluted 29 pumps to 8 oz water. This will clean feathering and the Strengthen and Repair will both keep the feathering from breaking and shield the cuticle from absorbing the stain.
Yellow Stains: Yellow stains can be complex to treat. Common causes are: using bleach or peroxide to try and remove previous stains. Bathing in a chemical whitener and failing to seal cuticle afterwards. Using bleach to clean concrete runs. All of the above will open the cuticle and make it absorb dirt and stains into the cuticle. If it is a very bad bleach stain, the only recourse is to trim it off and start over. If the yellowing is simply caused by dirt absorbing into the cuticle, here is the solution: Use #33 Coarse coat shampoo full strength on the stained area. Let sit 5 to 10 minutes. Rinse off. Use #16 white coat shampoo full strength and leave on for at least 20 minutes; rinse out and seal with nutrient masque conditioner or if a coarse coated dog, use #50 conditioner on that area only. If stain is extremely bad, use #33 coarse coat shampoo. Leave on at least 10 minutes then rinse out. Repeat daily until stain is gone.
Those Pesky Beards: To grow beards on wiry coated dogs, clean 2 to 3 times weekly with #20 shampoo diluted 2 tablespoons to 8 oz water. Mist in, work in well, and wipe off with damp cloth. Follow with a mist of Isle Strengthen to literally strengthen the beard. If the beard is white or silver, use #16 white coat shampoo diluted to the same ratio.
Removing the undercoat from a double coated dog during a blow: Wash at least 2 times weekly during the blow with #20 Royal Jelly Shampoo in warm water. Rinse well and follow with #50 conditioner full strength. Let the conditioner sit for 3 to 5 minutes. For wire or coarse coated dogs, use #33 coarse coat shampoo followed by #50 conditioner diluted 1 part to 5 parts water. Pour conditioner over coat, work in and rinse well.
Conditioning double coated and coarse coated dogs. For a fabulous coat, between shows mist lightly 2 to 3 times per week with Isle Strengthen and comb or brush through. This conditioner is designed to strengthen the coat without softening the coat.
Itching, scratching, dry coat? Many, many dogs suffer from dry skin. This can be caused by many things, but often, the cause is the wrong shampoo and lack of conditioner along with a lack of essential fatty acids in the diet. We found the following combination gets rid of the problem. Bathe with No.12 Veterinary Grade Evening Primrose Oil Shampoo and condition with No.51 Heavy Management Conditioner. Use No.62 Evening Primrose Oil Spray between baths and add No.92 Essential Fatty Acid coat supplement. –Trish
Need a self rinse for white paws and furnishings?: In an 8 oz Isle of Dogs spray bottle, put in #16 White Coat Shampoo to 1:5 dilute line. Fill with water. Simply spray on paws and any area needing whitening and dry. The evening primrose oil content will not dry out the areas you cleaned and the optical enhancer and anti-stain component will help keep those feet white! - Trish
If you need to grow coat, try using the NaturaLuxury Masque as a daily conditioning mist. Dilute 10:1 and add a pump of Isle Repair to an 8oz. Isle of Dogs spray bottle, fill with water. Moisten the coat as much as possible daily. After bathing with any Coature product, dilute NaturaLuxury Masque 10:1 and work it into the coat. Don't rinse just towel dry, do this about once a month. The hair will magically appear! -Christina, CA.
For that quick “sponge” bath; mix 2 drops of No.10 Evening Primrose Oil Shampoo with a half Gallon of water in a small tub or bowl. Wash the furnishings and “pee areas” using a sponge. Towel dry and style as usual. Your dog’s coat will feel clean and healthy again without having to bath the entire dog. -Debbie
Do you need to breakdown styling products you have put into your poodle or Bichon coat? Try diluting two tablespoons of Isle Repair into our 8oz. spray bottle. Spray this into the coat and then brush it through. This will breakdown even the strongest styling products and leave the coat feeling healthy and supple. This will give you more time before you have to bath your dog. -Ann
If your dog’s coat feels dryer than usual, try mixing ½ pump of Isle Repair and 1/4 inch of Isle Strengthen in our 8 ounce spray bottle and then fill the bottle with water. Lightly mist through the coat and dry as usual. Follow this with our N-60 Evening Primrose Oil Grooming Spray. We found that this mixture works especially well on drop coated breeds with a silky coat. It adds just the right amount of moisture and lots of shine! -Krystal, WA.
When you are trying to grow coat on your dog, use No.50 or No.51 conditioner and leave it in the coat for 15-20 minutes then rinse thoroughly. This will allow the conditioner to fully absorb into the skin and coat reducing breakage, eliminating tangles and making your comb out time shorter. This works especially well on curly coated breeds such as Poodles. You can use this process about every two weeks and the results will be amazing. -Ann